Hardwood floor drying success
Drying hardwoods can be done. It requires a thorough inspection of the affected area and the surrounding area as well. During the inspection we are looking at the hardwoods, the sub-floor and any vapor barriers that have been used. A determination will be made as to whether we feel we will be successful.
Once a go ahead is made, we will set up the drying equipment to produce the greatest possibility of success. Thoroughly monitoring the moisture content levels of the surfaces to be dried, as well as monitoring the atmospheric conditions is absolutely essential.
Daily monitoring, and adjusting the drying environment is what we help ensure success. Some companies may simply set up equipment and "let it run." However, if you are not experienced in what you are doing, not only could you be unsuccessful in drying out the floor, you could actually cause further damage.
SERVPRO of Elgin/Northwest Kane County, doing drying right!!